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Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Planting a Story A Semi-Digital Teaser

It was a bright and sunny spring afternoon, and I was about a fourth of the way through my nine-week long-term subbing position at West High School. That afternoon I was spending some time reflecting on my ongoing "Plants" unit with my teacher friend, Katie.

My only charge for the whole quarter had been, "Cover plants and animals!" passed on to me by the regular teacher, a soon-to-be mother of triplets on maternity leave. Well, I'd been covering plants alright, but I was restless.

"They seem to be enjoying the classroom activities well enough," I said to Katie, knowing it was true. "And they're certainly learning something. . . but I want them to DO something with plants, Katie!" I finally said, frustrated. "The MOST fun thing about plants is growing them, not learning how to name all their various reproductive organs, taxonomy, evolutionary history. . . "

"Well why not plant some then?" said Katie, no-nonsense being her middle name.

"Ah. . . that's a good idea. You're right. But. . .this is gonna sound stupid coming from a plant fanatic, and I'd like to have them plant and grow some, but. . . how?" Funny as it is to imagine now, at that time I was still quite intimidated by the prospect of putting together a laboratory experience for classrooms full of kids. So I let Katie in on the mental tug-of-war I'd been experiencing.

"See, Katie, I know how to plant and grow things, and I really, really want to get these kids doing something real. . . something hands on, but. . . as much as I want to. . . I feel totally in over my head! I don't know the first thing about putting together labs! I mean, how do you simultaneously show thirty kids how to carefully plant seeds? And what about set-up? And keeping them from getting dirt and water all over the place? And, AND I teach in three different classrooms! Some of which don't even have sinks or lab space. . . and Katie, where could I possibly get enough seeds and pots and soil and time and space and money and. . . " my scaredy-pants, I-can't-do-this self was obviously getting the best of me.

"Well. . ." Katie said, interrupting only slightly as I trailed off, "I have some ideas. And some soil. And containers. And seeds," she said casually, a sideways smile working its way onto her face. "I was planning on planting herbs with my classes anyway."

"What? Really?!" I said, super-excited by the prospect of getting my kids playing in the dirt like real biologists. "And you'd help me get it all together?" I asked, still a little apprehensive.

"Yes," she said, bemused.

And so it began. . .

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