Get Your Tech On

Get Your Tech On

Monday, November 30, 2009

Energy Conservation: Unplugged

Through the wonders of modern technology, I bring you Energy Conservation: Unplugged (the Abridged Version). The above is a link to the same clip, presented on youtube.

As expected, it was really helpful to watch myself "teach" on video. I didn't script my commentary ahead of time, which is representative of many of my actual classroom lessons! Thankfully, lectures are not the be all and end all of my educating arsenal, but as they are one important tool. . . a self-critique!

Critical-Type Details.

In summary, I should DEFINITELY consider scripting some transitions or at least coming up with good connections between major points when I'm planning a lecture. I should feel free to move quickly and be brief, trusting my audience to slow me down if they need to - I will probably never be too succinct! Also? It may seem obvious, but when I'm done, I should bring it to a close! No need to slog through redundant or non-vital content. Conversely, I should appreciate the fact that, even when I'm not sure where I'm going, I'm able to maintain coherency, ending up where I need to be eventually and making some entertaining commentary along the way.

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